Hit the Spot/Fanta G Spot (2022)

Jan 29, 2023


photo creds: https://www.viki.com/tv/39080c-hit-the-spot

OMG! I want to talk about this drama with someone so badly! xD I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the trailer. Hani from EXID in an 18+ drama? Whut??? So I signed up thinking that I’m gonna get what I think I’m gonna get, right??? Turned out, it’s turning into a healing drama for me. This is that female-centered sexual empowerment show that you didn’t know you needed. A lot of sex ed for mature audiences. It’s not just the sexual content that you get to see, but it’s also cute, honest, romantic, and relatable. Most importantly, the show reminds us to heal and prioritize ourselves first before we devote ourselves to another person. I loved, loved, loved that messaging! My advice if you want to watch it, turn off the sound/use earphones, and lock the door. ♥




Love to write. Love to laugh. Love to have a nice cup of tea (no sugar) every morning. Love purple. It's all loves here hope you ain't get tired of it!